On Thursday 28th August, RazorSecure's CEO, Alex Cowan, presented as a spotlight feature of the Cyber Senate rail cyber security webinar series. The full webinar is now available to watch:


Securing Rolling Stock - Rail Cyber Security in Action Today

During the discussion Alex spoke about some of RazorSecure’s experience in securing rolling stock across the UK, Europe and North America.

Alex also covered:

  • Three ways rolling stock is like a data center, and three ways it is not

  • Why rolling stock has a much bigger attack surface than you might realise

  • Why enterprise tools don’t work well on rolling stock

  • Key considerations you should take into account when looking at security solutions

The webinar also included presentations from:

  • Managing Risk and Ensuring Reliability, presented by Marlborough Consultants & Northern Rail

  • Rolling Stock Challenges in Cyber Security; a Manufacturer Perspective. presented by Eddy Thesee of Alstom.

For further reading on the topic of rolling stock cyber security, have a look at our previous blog discussing the rolling stock cyber security and attack vectors you may not have considered.