On Thursday 28th August, RazorSecure's CEO, Alex Cowan, presented as a spotlight feature of the Cyber Senate rail cyber security webinar series. The full webinar is now available to watch:
Securing Rolling Stock - Rail Cyber Security in Action Today
During the discussion Alex spoke about some of RazorSecure’s experience in securing rolling stock across the UK, Europe and North America.
Alex also covered:
Three ways rolling stock is like a data center, and three ways it is not
Why rolling stock has a much bigger attack surface than you might realise
Why enterprise tools don’t work well on rolling stock
Key considerations you should take into account when looking at security solutions
The webinar also included presentations from:
Managing Risk and Ensuring Reliability, presented by Marlborough Consultants & Northern Rail
Rolling Stock Challenges in Cyber Security; a Manufacturer Perspective. presented by Eddy Thesee of Alstom.
For further reading on the topic of rolling stock cyber security, have a look at our previous blog discussing the rolling stock cyber security and attack vectors you may not have considered.