Through RazorSecure’s work with European train manufacturers, and operators in the UK and worldwide, we understand the impact of digital connectivity. It is now a fundamental feature of our modern rail transport system. But, as our railway is improved with new digital technologies, safety is still thought of as one issue, and cyber security as another. But in reality, safety is underpinned by security, as a cyber security threat incident could compromise software that supports safety-critical systems. When a system’s software is changed, maliciously or unintentionally, it can no longer assure safety of the affected system, as the software is no longer the same as when it was tested and approved.
With increasing connectivity in an environment where trains, operators, and infrastructure systems communicate on interconnected networks, a single gap in cyber security could be the catalysis to begin a series of cyber incidents across the industry. You are only as strong as your weakest link, so it is not enough for just a few selected operators and stock owners to build cyber security defenses – we need to help the whole industry to evolve and tackle cyber risks together. That is where RazorSecure’s engagement with RSSB comes in.
Founded and run by the UK rail industry, RSSB helps deliver standards, information and guidance on behalf of the UK rail industry; including infrastructure companies, train and freight operators, rolling stock owners and suppliers. As an expert body with a wide compass of knowledge, skills and experience, they bring these different organisations together to support collaborative decisions as an industry. RazorSecure’s recognised solutions and technical expertise aligns well with RSSB’s role in the industry.
RSSB helps the railway push for improvements by monitoring and learning from near misses and accidents, both here and across the globe. They help the whole rail industry work together to address issues of common concern, so that we all benefit from a safer railway.
“At RSSB we believe working in isolation is not an option, and by being a member of RSSB, rail companies are better able to collaborate, and help provide solutions to issues of shared concern within the rail industry. We look forward to working with RazorSecure, as the experts on cyber security within rail, to develop a greater understanding within the industry of the cyber risks, and measures to mitigate against them.”
Chris Leech MBE FRSA, Membership Development Manager, RSSB
“RSSB’s experience of supporting safe railways is invaluable, as is their understanding of risk. We look forward to working with them to gain further insight of how we can add to that support by developing our products based on feedback directly from the RSSB members. We are eager to engage with the industry, to work together and stress the importance of assessing, and taking control, of cyber risks during processes such as procuring new vehicles or during an upgrade change control.”
Robert Brown, Executive Chairman, RazorSecure
Everyone knows that safety is paramount, but few appreciate just how much that safety depends on cyber security. RazorSecure believes that our concept of safety must expand to be fit for the new digital connected railway, as the world of cyber security, and its threats, moves fast - much faster than the railway is perhaps used to. By encouraging a broadening of the safety culture, to include cyber security, we can support increased collaboration as an industry, ensuring our railways are safe, secure and fit for the future.